2013-14 Speaker Series


April 2-4, 2014

A.V. Elliott Conference on Great Books and Ideas: On Religious Liberty

April 2, 2014

Opening Lecture

John Witte Jr., Emory University

"Separation of Church and State in America: Facts, Fictions, and Challenges"


April 3, 2014

Mercer Student Panel    

Guest Faculty Panel I

Maura Jane Farrelly, Brandeis University

"Williams, Calvert, and Locke: Three Foundations for Religious Toleration in America"

Steven Grosby, Clemson University

"Religion and Liberty in Neglected Great Works of the Ancient Near East"

Jeremiah Russell, Jacksonville State University  

"Faction against Faction: Emperor Julian on Religious Tolerance"

Guest Faculty Panel II

Daniel Cullen, Rhodes College

"Freedom, Religion, and Social Unity: Another Rousseauian Paradox"

David Ramsey, University of West Florida

"On the Founders, Hobby Lobby, and the HHS Mandate"

Scott Yenor, Boise State University

"Civic Religion and Revealed Truth in the Thought of the American Founders"

Closing Lecture           

Michael Novak, Author, Philosopher, Theologian, and US Ambassador

"What the Nature of God Must Be, To Demand Liberty of Conscience"



Fall 2013 Events:


Munoz bookSeptember 23, 2013

Mercer's Undergraduate Constitution Day Observance

Dr. Vincent Phillip Munoz, Associate Professor of Religion and Public Life, University of Notre Dame

"Did the Founders intend to Separate Church from State?"

This event was made possible through the generous support of the Jack Miller Center for Teaching America's Principles and History



 agrestoOctober 24, 2013

Dr. John Agresto, Former President of St. John's College and Chancellor and Provost at the American University in Iraq

"Liberal Arts in a Republic: The Founding and Today"




Dreisbach BookNovember 7, 2013

Dr. Daniel L. Dreisbach, Professor in the School of Public Affairs, American University

"The Bible in the Political Culture of the American Founding"