2008-09 Speaker Series


Ronna Burger, Tulane University

"What is the Best Human Life?: On Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics"

November 20, 2008

Christian Kopff, University of Colorado

"Why Study the Classics?: On the Abiding Importance of Classical Education"

February 19, 2009

Stuart D. Warner, Roosevelt University

"Caveat Lector: The Beginnings of Modern Philosophy--Descartes' Diptych"

March 31-April 1, 2009

Second Annual Conference on Great Books and Ideas

Triumphs and Travails of the Natural Rights Republic

Opening Lecture

John W. Danford, Loyola University Chicago

"The Intellectual Origins of the Modern Commercial Republic: the Case for the Scots"

Faculty Panelists

  • Booker T. Ingram, Presbyterian College
  • Joseph Knippenberg, Oglethorpe University
  • Eric Sands, Berry College

Keynote Lecture

Michael P. Zuckert, Notre Dame

"The Politics of Slavery at the Constitutional Convention"
