2008-09 Speaker Series
Ronna Burger, Tulane University"What is the Best Human Life?: On Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics" November 20, 2008Christian Kopff, University of Colorado"Why Study the Classics?: On the Abiding Importance of Classical Education"
February 19, 2009Stuart D. Warner, Roosevelt University"Caveat Lector: The Beginnings of Modern Philosophy--Descartes' Diptych" March 31-April 1, 2009Second Annual Conference on Great Books and IdeasTriumphs and Travails of the Natural Rights RepublicOpening LectureJohn W. Danford, Loyola University Chicago"The Intellectual Origins of the Modern Commercial Republic: the Case for the Scots" Faculty Panelists
Keynote LectureMichael P. Zuckert, Notre Dame"The Politics of Slavery at the Constitutional Convention" |