
Will R. JordanWill R. Jordan

Center Co-Director
Professor of Political Science

Will Jordan has taught in Mercer's Political Science department and Great Books Program since 2003.  He received his BA degree from Washington & Lee University (1996) and his PhD in political science from Loyola University Chicago (2002).   His primary teaching and research interests involve the history of political thought, focusing on the major thinkers of the Scottish Enlightenment and the American Founding.  His articles on the political thought of David Hume have appeared in The Review of Politics, Perspectives on Political Science, Logos & Pneuma: the Chinese Journal of Theology, and The Ashgate Research Companion to Federalism.  He is currently working on the political thought of Henry Adams.  He has edited or co-edited six books in the A.V. Elliott Conference Series published by Mercer University Press.

Charlotte ThomasCharlotte Thomas

Center Co-Director
Professor of Philosophy

Charlie Thomas is a graduate of Mercer University (BA, Philosophy) and of the Great Books program; she has been on the faculty of the College of Liberal Arts since 1994.  She received her PhD in Philosophy from Emory University in 1996.  Her current research interests are in Ancient Philosophy and Philosophy and Literature, but she knows she'll eventually get back to Early Modern Philosophy, particularly Shakespeare and Vico.  Professor Thomas teaches broadly in the Philosophy department and in the Great Books Program.  She is also the Executive Director of the Association for Core Texts and Courses.  She is the author of The Female Drama: The Philosophical Feminine in the Soul of Plato's Republic (Mercer, 2020), and has edited or co-edited five volumes in the A.V. Elliott Conference Series published by Mercer University Press.